CLIO Verein für Geschichts- und Bildungsarbeit

Geschichte erlebt und erzählt - Zukunft denken und gestalten: Geschichtswerkstätten in den Grazer Bezirken


The principle of a history workshop is for people to look back on their own history and the history of their own district together with experts.

The CLIO association will be putting this concept into practice in Gösting and Andritz in the Year of Culture 2020. These two districts have changed significantly in recent decades, and the aim therefore is to take stock of the current situation in terms of district and local identities.

Verein CLIO Geschichte erlebt und erzaehlt Geschichtswerkstaetten in den Grazer Bezirken Fotografie
(c) GrazMuseum

In hosted public evening events women and men of all ages are invited to contribute and discuss their experiences with regard to the particular district.

The results, the scientific research, photos and documents will be documented in the form of a brochure and presented at a district exhibition. The focus is on a joint consideration of people’s life in the city.

Verein CLIO Geschichte erlebt und erzaehlt Geschichtswerkstaetten in den Grazer Bezirken Fotografie
Clio Geschichte erlebt und erzählt G.R.A.M Werkstätte
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Graz Kulturjahr 2020 was supported by: